First Position

Mai Phan


Every dance move in ballet begins and ends in one of the five basic positions




Petit jet
Return to first position.


Return to first position.

Pas de chat
Means "step of the cat."
Return to first position.

Pas de deux?
Not for you.
Return to first position.

Calves burn,
Ankles turn,
Return to first position.

Toes east and west,
The balance test.
Return to first position.

Straight-leg line,
All mine.
Return to first position.

"Only for you."
Return to first position.

Your passion sings.
I'll dance for kings -
Return to first position.

Heart full,
You felt the pull.
Return to first position.

Soft attack
With no way back,
Return to first position.

My costume rent
Return to first position.

Head held high,
I mustn't cry.
Return to first position.

Exile brought
What illusion wrought
Return to first position.

Hearts battered,
We are shattered
Return to first position.

Tears fall.
I feel so small
Holding first position.



Every dance move in ballet begins and ends in one of the five basic positions. The feet must always "return home." In first position, the feet are turned outward, heel to heel, toes pointing in opposite directions. It's difficult (and initially painful) to hold balance in first position. Such are the demands of ballet.

Lisa's "first position" was to be Vincent's love. An "off balance" pose she'll never be able to hold, again. She has come from one direction - and is about to travel in its opposite. She will not "return home" until Arabesque.



"Dancing appears glamorous, easy, and delightful.  But the path to paradise of the achievement is not easier than any other.  There is fatigue so great that the body cries, even in its sleep.  There are times of complete frustration, there are daily small deaths." - Martha Graham





Illustration supplied by the author



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