Revised Edition

By Wendy de-Veryard

Oblivion 1 parts index

Chapter Six

A whispering current of warm air filtered through the hot and smelly stables, as Catherine made her way along the passageway separating them. She held her nose tightly against the stench of manure and hastened her step to reach her destiny, a small enclosure in which, several ponies were tethered.

A young Italian boy grinned gleefully at her, showing his unkempt teeth, desperately in need of some dentistry, and Catherine made herself return the smile.

"Can I hire a pony for the day," she asked him.

He nodded. There wasn't much English that he understood, but the words 'hire pony' was all he needed to hear. He came to stand beside her, looking at her keenly, trying in his minds eye to judge her weight, and the satisfied with his assumptions he took her arm, and led her across to a small blue roan pony, and started to saddle up.

Catherine stroked the pony's forehead, it blew softly into her face, and nuzzled her jacket with its mouth. She sensed it was a gentle creature and she was touched that the boy had chosen so well. It had been a long time since she had ridden, and she wasn't entirely at ease with doing so.

"Pay on return." The boy told her, "You need leg up?"

Catherine shook her head, that much she could remember. Gathering the reins upon the pony's withers, she pout her left foot into the stirrup and brought her right leg up and over the pony's back, settling herself into the saddle. The pony breathed in, and Catherine lifted the side of the saddle to tighten the girth, smiling as she did so. All ponies it seemed breathed out when being saddled and held their breath, so that the girth was loose and the saddle would slip when the rider mounted. There was many a time before she had learned of this cunning, that she had ended up half way beneath the horse, clinging upside down to the saddle.

The boy grinned at her, "You be okay?"

Catherine nodded, tightening the girth as the pony finally breathed out, "Does he have a name?" she asked.

The boy shrugged his shoulders, "Just pony." he told her.

'I thought as much', Catherine said to herself, the hire ponies were seldom given names.

Pressing her knees against the pony's sides he started forward through the enclosure where the boy was holding open a gate, and walked out into the road beyond. Clicking her tongue, Catherine eased the pony into a brisk walk, and waved goodbye to the boy.

She rode like this for some time, looking around her, and learning to have faith again in her riding skills. The pony had a hard mouth, from being ridden by so many inexperienced riders, and it was hard making him go the way that she wanted at first. She found that he responded well to a kick in the sides, but she was loath to enforce this kind of treatment upon him.

He seemed to want to take her along a particular route and Catherine realised that this was from habit, this was the way most riders urged him to go.

Dismounting, Catherine walked around to stand at his head, saying softly, "Before we go any further young man, we must introduce ourselves. My name is Catherine, and as you so obviously haven't got a name, I shall give you one." Looking him over, Catherine marvelled at his colour, he was sleek blue grey with dapples of white on his rump, and white running through his steely mane and tail. His forehead bore a half star, and he had one white sock.

"Mmm, you look like a Jack to me." Catherine told him tenderly, and was rewarded by a soft nicker as he blew gently through her hair. "Now Jack, I am not one of your usual sightseers, there is something important that I have to do today, and I should like you to help me do it. See that mountain over there, we have to get as high up it as we can. I don't expect you to carry me all that way. I will lead you during the very steep parts, and if you are very good I will reward you by letting you graze every time we rest." Jack nuzzled her jacket again, searching.

Catherine laughed, Ah Huh, I know what you are looking for, I'd forgotten I brought some," and she put her hand into a pocket and withdrew some sugar cubes she had put their earlier. Holding them in the palm of her hand, Jack took them and munched happily, while Catherine re-mounted, and when he had finished chewing, she pressed her knees together onto his sides, urging him forward.

Not knowing if her words had truly penetrated or not, she was impressed when it seemed that since their chat an understanding had developed between them, and Jack seemed so much more willing to please her. Though she concluded it was more probably, the temptation of more sugar that did it.

The warm breeze that had carried the stench from the stables now brought upon it the fragrance of pine and wild honeysuckle and Catherine delighted in it. Jack carried her along the stony path that led up to the foot of the mountain, and she encouraged him on, as they made their ascent. Guided by Devin's maps, she rode beneath the thickness of pine trees, glorifying in the shade they gave her from the beating sun. Riding along the pine covered track they made little sound and Catherine saw glimpses of her favourite mahogany coloured squirrel, and listened intently to the profusion of bird song. Closing her eyes for a moment, she allowed herself to open the Bond with Vincent fully, so that he could feel everything she felt, which at that moment was pure unadulterated joy. He would have received her letter by now, and he would be able to walk with her, share with her all the wonders of this magical place. Catherine's heart poured out her love to him, and was able to feel his presence within her.

"Oh Vincent", she whispered, "I feel that we are the only two people in the world right now, and that you really are here with me. I can feel you so strongly, its almost as if I could reach out and touch you. I would give anything to have you riding alongside me sharing this wonderful day."

Losing herself in the depth of their love, she sighed with pleasure and wasn't surprised when she heard his voice in her heart, "Catherine, Catherine, I love you so much."

Her heart melted with love for him, and she had to stop Jack and dismount. Her legs felt weak and she had to sit down on a log to rest. Jack nuzzled her jacket for more sugar, and she stroked his forehead. The rough feel of his face reminded her of Vincent, and every fibre of her being burned with a hunger for him. Closing her eyes tightly she allowed her senses to fully reach out to him, to cling to him, and as the longing filled her soul her mind became filled with a fog through which she could see herself riding alongside with Vincent in this peaceful forest.

That Vincent could evade her thoughts came as no surprise to her, so attuned was she to him. She smiled, though he was not there beside her, everything she did, every thought she had, he shared it all with her.

Feeling the gentle tugging on the reins by Jack, Catherine allowed her eyes to open, to take in her surroundings and with a contented sigh, she remounted the pony and urged him forward once again.

"Oh Vincent", she spoke aloud, "Soon my darling, soon I will return, and I will never leave you again, ever, I promise."

Dappled sun rays filtered through the thinning of pine trees as they came through the forest out onto the mountainside covered with short nibbled grass. Catherine helped the pony to pick his way tentatively across the ground shrewn with rabbit holes. To slip a hoof down one now would send him lame, and she did not want carelessness to cause him such pain. Dismounting again, she led him until she was satisfied that the ground was too rocky for rabbit warrens, and finding a shady place to sit, she took out some refreshment from her pack, and allowed Jack to graze.

Gazing around her she drank in the scenery. It was sheer bliss to be sat there, she felt as though she were the only person in the world. The sun dazzled her eyes as it bore down upon the snow capped mountain peaks all around her as far as the eye could see. Upon the mountain slopes huge forests had sprung up, and sleepy little villages nestled along ledges and down into the valley. Catherine could remember her first impression of the place when she had come to the mountains with her father as a child. Though different mountains, the impact was the same and the beauty had stayed with her all her life. Some nights back home she would come here in her dreams, and long to step back to the mountains, to the atmosphere, where nowhere on earth touched her so deeply. Again the longing to share it with Vincent pained her. To know that as she sat beneath the sunshine, he would be in a cold and dingy tunnel, maybe sat by the waterfall or the mirror pool, but he would feel only the chill of damp tunnels upon his skin, not this glorious warmth that she could feel on her own. Though in spirit he would share her joy, it could never be the same as literally being there beside her. A tear caught in her throat, as she realised the hopelessness and the tragedy of his life. An overwhelming sadness engulfed her until she heard his voice in her head say, "Catherine don't do this to yourself, you carry our dream. In you I can be a part of the world Above. Enjoy all there is to be enjoyed and through our Bond, I can share it all with you."

Smiling weakly, she gathered her unfinished meal and stowed it carefully into the backpack. If nothing else she could hurry to complete her mission, so that she would soon be back in his arms, where she belonged. At least in her, he had the sunlight and the warmth that only true love brings, and she ached to bring him this.

It took several hours of riding and leading Jack to reach her destination. And when Catherine finally dismounted to take some photographs, her thighs ached from being in the saddle so long. "I could do with a long hot bath", she told Jack, "I am out of practice."

Noticing the strange shaped rock that Devin had drawn, Catherine looked across to find the bridle path that ran beneath the canopy of pine trees, and the one with the overhanging branch, which possible hid a camera. Shading her eyes against the sun, she looked up the track, wondering what were the odds of someone coming to speak with her if she should ride the pony along it. There were no signs identifying its existence, and as such nothing saying 'Private Property' so she decided to risk it.

However, Jack seemed unwilling to take her, and she did not know why this was. Whether he was just tired or grumpy at having his grazing disturbed again, and she urged him on a few feet at a time, until he stopped completely and flatly refused to budge.

"What is it Jack?" Catherine asked him gently, "Do you sense something?"

Just then a huge dog bounded through the shrubbery barking and growling furiously, and Jack reared up to strike the dog away with his hooves. As the dog rolled out of danger, a security guard broke from the density of the shrubs, and whistled the dog to lie flat.

Glaring angrily at Catherine, a ripple of fear ran through her, and he started shouting at her in a language she did not understand.

Shaking her head she told him firmly, "I don't know what you are saying." He stopped his shouting, and quietened the still barking dog, and walked round to her side. Jack trembled with agitation, his wild eyes fixed firmly upon the large dog, and Catherine stroked his neck to reassure him while speaking quietly to him.

"English?" the guard enquired, looking up at Catherine, as she leaned forwards to stroke the quivering pony's neck.

"American." Catherine replied.

"Follow me", he ordered, and took hold of Jack's reins to lead her forwards. Catherine did not know what to say, and as Jack refused to be lead, the guard gave the dog a command to get behind the pony's hind quarters, and snap at his back legs. Jack thrashed out wildly, almost unseating Catherine, but he went forwards nonetheless.

Catherine did not know what to think, ordinarily she would have been terrified of a strange man leading her to who knows where, but for the fact that she knew that Devin was somewhere on the other side of those trees, where the institute lay.

The guard whistled his dog to come to heel, and as they walked through the thicket of bushes and down into a courtyard, Catherine could only marvel at the sun picking out the gleaming whiteness of the complex as it came into view.

The guard let go of the reins, and swung round to tell her gruffly, "Wait here." and she watched as he climbed some steps and went through some large swing doors. Catherine looked around her. The complex now close at hand was huge, and though she could not see everything from her vantage point, she knew that its wings spread right across the valley from what she had seen from the air.

Throughout the complex between trees little villas glistened white beneath the sunlight and everywhere was deathly quiet.

Catherine drew in a deep breath, the dog still stood guard beside her examining her with its fearless eyes, but Jack had calmed somewhat and trusted Catherine as he eyes the dog warily. The sound of footsteps turned Catherine's attention from the dog towards the doors and she was startled to see three men in white coats striding purposefully towards her. A shiver she could not control swept through her and Jack shifted uncomfortably, his hooves making crunching sounds on the stones beneath them. The dog whimpered and drooled, panting with excitement, sucking in his saliva with his fat slimy jaws, and then pricking up his ears as a sharp whistle pierced the air, he sprang to life and bounded away in an instance, towards the sound.

Temporarily Catherine relaxed, and waited as the three men approached her. They scrutinised her openly without speaking, making her wriggle in the saddle with nervousness. Finally the older one spoke, "Mrs. Conway?"

Catherine remembered the name Devin had given her, "How did you know?" she replied.

"Just an assumption. The guard said you were American, and your brother said you would come looking for him."

"Can I see him?" she asked trying to keep her voice calm. "If its inconvenient, I can come back another day."

"That will not be necessary. We must talk, come leave your pony and follow me."

He turned and walked ahead, and the other two men waited speechlessly while she dismounted, then each one took one of her arms, and led her away from the pony, into the cool interior of the institute.

They ushered her to a room, and showed her where to sit, as the three men each took up a seat around her.

Catherine was reminded of Devin's words, and was happy that he had forewarned her. For without speaking the three men continued to look at her and through her, and Catherine felt a blush grip her throat and rise up her cheeks. She felt hot and uncomfortable and wished someone would speak.

Looking beyond them she concentrated on some pictures on the walls, they were of various weather scenes, and Catherine momentarily wished she could take them back for Vincent. They would look great hung in his chamber, he would love them. The three men took note of her changing expressions, and finally one of them broke through her thoughts to ask, "Mrs. Conway, why were you taking photographs of this complex from the air?"

They knew about that! Catherine felt her mouth drop open in surprise, but said nothing.

An under current of impatience issued from the man as he asked her again, more sharply, "Mrs Conway, you will answer the question, Please.!"

Grappling with her thoughts Catherine stammered, "I...I... wanted to see...where my brother was working."

The three men laughed silently, she saw the sarcastic humour in their faces, "Come now Mrs. Conway, you expect us to believe that you would readily pay whatever the pilot asked and then double it, just to see where your brother is working, surely you do not expect us to believe this folly?"

"Its true", she told them fiercely, "And I have plenty of money."

"Then that's too bad" he told her, " I am afraid that your interest has proved to be your demise." In an undertone that frightened her.

"What...do...you mean?" Catherine asked quietly, almost afraid to know.

"We cannot allow you to leave here, Mrs. Conway, ever."

"Why not?" She whispered. The atmosphere had become ominous and Catherine felt an icy hand grip her heart.

"Because until now, no-one has literally walked into this place, but now since you have found the way in, I am afraid that we cannot take the risk of allowing you the freedom to leave, incase you will tell someone else this knowledge."

"I wouldn't tell anyone, I promise. Besides who is there to tell?"

The man laughed wickedly, "You expect me to believe that?"

Catherine didn't reply.

He went on, "Your brother has proved himself a very trustworthy and intelligent fellow. He expressed a desire to have you work here also. I am prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were looking for your brother, but it does not alter things. You will spend the rest of your life working here, or you will have no life at all. Do you understand what it is I am telling you? Do I make myself clear?"

Catherine nodded, 'Perfectly', she said to herself, when suddenly she remembered the Bond, and closed it off firmly, wishing she had thought to do so earlier. Then finding some courage she asked, "Would you please introduce yourselves to me?"

The elder of the three looked at her sternly, "As you will be here a very long time Mrs. Conway, I think that is the least we can do. My name is Ignatz Strasser, and these are my two loyal colleagues, Johannes Kogler and Mich'ael Reidel. We all three are scientists here, and our work is very important. We do not allow intruders into this complex uninvited, because of the secrecy of the work we undertake here."

"Pardon me for asking", Catherine went on, "But if this institute studies climatology, what it is that you do here that warrants such secrecy?"

Professor Strasser looked at her crossly, "You ask too many questions Mrs. Conway, you are forgetting that you are walking on very thin ice here. Only if I see your loyalty first will I permit you to see something you could only imagine in your worst nightmares. The locals refer to this place as the mountain of the vampires, but you will find that it is not only vampires that have fangs Mrs. Conway."

"Who have you got here then, Frankenstien?" she asked dryly.

Reidel and Kogler laughed, and Professor Strasser mocked her with his eyes, " Come with me Mrs. Conway, I will show you to your villa, and an escort will bring your belongings from your hotel later. Don't worry about the pony he will be taken care of."

Catherine shot him a startled look, to which he laughed softly, "I will have him returned to the stables Mrs. Conway, we can't have his owners coming up here searching for him and you can we." he laughed some more as her face relaxed, "Whatever else did you think I would mean?" he told her, not expecting an answer.

*** *** ***

Devin had completed his fifth assignment and handed them in for inspection. He was pleased when Professor Strasser commended him on his work, so when he approached looking annoyed about something, Devin stiffened.

"Mr. Weston, I have come to report to you that your sister is here. I have given her the villa next door to your own."

"That's wonderful Sir, have you given her a job here?"

"No doubt your sister will fill you in on the details, Mr. Weston, and you may leave now and go to see her." Ignatz Strasser strode from the room, leaving Devin somewhat shaken by his manner.

Sitting behind the television screen, Strasser watched as the cameras relayed pictures of Devin walking out into the sunshine and crossing the grounds to his villa. The flick of a few switches sent pictures back that showed Strasser the inside of Catherine's villa, and he watched her pacing the room. A knock at her door startled her and opening it, she found Devin stood there. Strasser flicked another switch and the sound of their voices blurted into the quiet room. "Devin!" Catherine exclaimed out loud before he could stop her.

"Cathy listen to me, it may already be too late." He whispered into her ear, "The whole place is bugged, and there are cameras everywhere. Remember who I am pretending to be."

Guilt flashed across Catherine's face as she realised she had cried out his real name, and desperately she tried to make amends, "Deryl, I have so much to tell you." Strasser was not taken in by this, he had already heard enough, and he stormed from the room to find Kogler and Reidel.


Continued in Chapter Seven.